Fananum website

Fananum is website created to serve interpreters of all languages and their clients. The website records every interpretation mission that an interpreter has finished in a simple format. It takes probably five minutes after an interpreting session to record what you have just done. These records speak for your effort and, through the years, show what you are good at in graphs and statistics that appear in your profile.

Dự án

Fananum is website created to serve interpreters of all languages and their clients. The website records every interpretation mission that an interpreter has finished in a simple format. It takes probably five minutes after an interpreting session to record what you have just done. These records speak for your effort and, through the years, show what you are good at in graphs and statistics that appear in your profile.

This method of recording helps clients to find the most suitable interpreter for their coming event since the perfect interpreter is someone who has successfully interpreted for similar events. After that, it’s time for a chat to get to know your interpreter! Good preparation is the key of success for an interpreter and it starts from client’s right selection. Now you know every event that they have done, you can talk to the candidates to clear all questions before deciding to work with your interpreter of choice!

Don’t let your effort fades away as the years go by. All of the records will become proud memories, inspirational stories for the next generations and lesson shared with colleagues! Expand your professional network with just 5 minutes.

Chức năng dự án

  • Đăng ký tài khoản miễn phí.
  • Cập nhật thông tin thành viên phiên dịch.
  • Tạo danh sách dự án đã phiên dịch.
  • Quản lý và thêm tag tìm kiếm cho dự án phiên dịch của mình.
  • Cho phép người dùng tìm kiếm nhanh thông tin phiên dịch viên.
  • Tìm ứng viên phiên dịch với những thông tin dự án tương tự.
  • Tối ưu website với công cụ tìm kiếm
Khách HàngNgọc Hân
Năm dự án2019
Link tham dự án


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